Aided Language Stimulation Mini Boards

Aided Language Stimulation Mini Boards

Two mini ALS boards for bubbles and playdough.

Aided Language Stimulation is the process of modelling Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) language in everyday settings. The communication partner communicates with the AAC user verbally, whilst also selecting keywords on the person’s AAC system.

This helps to develop the person's understanding of the communication, and also their ability to use the AAC expressively.


This resource can be adapted to other activities by adjusting the available vocabulary.

It can also be programmed onto a hightech system (such as a voice output device, or communication app such as Proloquo2Go).

For students who are PECS users, the system can be customised to make some symbols removable to facilitate a physical exchange.

For more information on Aided Language Stimulation, please visit the resource "Aided Language Stimulation Strategies".