Check In

Check In

This resource was designed to support students to 'check in' with the teacher and their class mates of a morning.

This notebook file can be used as a whole class activity, small group or one to one interactions.

The file provides students with sentence starters and a variety of Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) prompts that they have the option to use in their response.

This resource can be used as a conversation tool, as part of a yarning circle or a way to share some class news.

The teacher should always 'check in' first to model and create a positive and trusting relationship amongs the class that provides the children with a safe environment to share.

The notebook file can be used as a simple prompt of topics, sentence starters, provide vocabulary and students with speech impediments can circle or point to the PCS.

Visit the link below to download the Notebook file.

The PDF can be used as a hard copy. Recommended to laminate and use as a book or displayed on the wall.