Recount Scaffold

Recount Scaffold

This template assists students in creating a simple recount.

The five questions of When? What? Where? Who? And How? are colour coded. These colours can be used across school wide resources and used as a prompt to assist students with learning difficulties.

This resource can be used in a variety of ways across multiple levels to help students learn how to recount an event or story.

Students could match PCS, words or sentences with or without colour coded prompts to align with the correct question.

Students could use PCS, words or sentences to retell an event or to demonstrate comprehension of a story or response to a visual stimuli.  

Students could practice reading and speaking their recounts with an educator, parent, peer, small group or class.

Teachers could use this resource for class news, weekend news, school news for parents and families, during literacy lessons and to discuss events throughout the child’s day.

Answering the How? Question can be developed from; how you got there to commenting about how it was, how it made you feel, or how was the outcome.

Click on the related resources below for some examples.