Scripted Story - Change

Scripted Story - Change

This scripted story is for children who have difficulty coping with unexpected changes to the timetable or to planned activities and can be used with individual children or with a whole class.There are 16 pages which can be cut out and laminated and then bound to make a book.

Planning ahead for transitions and changes to the daily routine can help children work better. If possible, try to let the child know what is going to happen ahead of time. Read the story about changes with them. The symbol for change(or some other sign to indicate change) can be put on the timetable/schedule along with a symbol/picture/word for the new activity.

Sometimes changes are unexpected and you don’t have time to plan ahead. If a child understands a warning system for unexpected changes when they are calm, they will be better able to apply that knowledge if they get upset during the actual change. If you use a visual timetable or schedule you can leave gaps between each picture to allow another picture to be put in later. You could use the change symbol and/or a ‘question mark’ to represent a ‘mystery’ or uncertainty. If the child uses a written schedule, you can write in the changes.