Whose Turn Template

Whose Turn Template

The Purpose of this resource:

This resource is used to teach students to take turns.

Who to use this resource with:

This can be used with any group of children. Place photos of children in the group in the boxes on the margins at the sides of the ‘turn taking clock’. Alternatively you could have typed names in the boxes.

How to use this resource:

Use this during any group activity where children are required to take turns. Place photos of children or their names from the boxes on the side to the areas on the clock. The parent or teacher can move the arrow to the next clockwise (or perhaps, anticlockwise depending on skills you wish to teach or choices you make) position to reveal whose turn it is.

Preparation of this resource:

Copy one set of photos and/or names for each child, the board, and the arrow. If you wish you can glue a set of photos/names in the boxes.

Laminate the board , arrow and the set of photos/name plates.

Place ‘furry’ Velcro on each position on the ‘Turn Taking Dial’ and on the boxes on the side.

Place ‘sticky’ Velcro on the back of the laminated photos/name plates. Store each picture in the boxes on the side and place only pictures or names of those participating in the game on the ‘turn taking dial’.